““The fact that STEP encouraged us to do fly-ins and college visits definitely helped the transition. I would have been so lost if I hadn’t done that.””
For Alex, the most important takeaway from STEP was “definitely my confidence.” Building confidence began with the workshops “and culminated over the summer when I did the Alaska trip. It was really a confirmation of who I am. It intensified my characteristics to the point where I was no longer scared to show them. It brought me out of my shell. I definitely wouldn’t be doing some of the things I’m doing now if it weren’t for that. You know, I learned to take initiative, to put myself out there, and to take chances to reach a goal.”
Alex attributes her smooth college transition to STEP’s programming. “I absolutely love it here at Tufts! It’s crazy how nice and accepting this community is. And the fact that STEP encouraged us to do fly-ins and college visits definitely helped the transition. I would have been so lost if I hadn’t done that. It really helped me understand the college experience. Being here now is just a confirmation of what I learned while visiting.”