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““I’m so happy to be able to support a program that makes a real difference in getting people out of the cycle of poverty! I find STEP’s comprehensive approach both impressive and so smart.”
STEP Receives Platinum Seal of Transparency, 2024
The Platinum Seal of Transparency is a rating that puts us in the top 0.1% of charities nationally in terms of transparency. It means that STEP has shared clear and important information with the public about our goals, strategies, capabilities, achievements and progress indicators.
STEP’s Donor Privacy & Opt-Out Policy
STEP is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. All donations are tax-deductible, as allowed by law, on your federal tax returns. Arizona taxpayers may claim an Arizona tax credit for donations made to STEP up to $470 for single/head of household filers or $938 for married joint filers. You will be sent a tax receipt acknowledging your donation. Nothing herein should be considered tax advice. Please consult your tax adviser for advice.